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苏州别墅铝艺大门厂家赢得市场的三大策略在苏州要选购好铝艺大门需要“看”“摸”“敲”“开”四绝招 瞄准80后——80后成为家装消费主力军 现为:80 后有自己独特的消费理念和习惯。铝艺大门厂商只有牢固掌握了… 铝艺大门(庭院大门、别墅大门)应该如何保养?在苏州要选购好铝艺大门需要“看”“摸”“敲”“开”四绝招铝艺大门(庭院大门、别墅大门)是一款高端大气的产品,它的的出现给一些高档的别墅小区增添了更佳美观的效果,…


At present, Changzhou Aluminum Art Gate in Changzhou Market is mainly based on hardware structure and materials. On the structural materials, the door cover and the edge are made of high-tech cast aluminium, which is not easy to crack, and the surface is treated by anodic oxidation, which has certain hardness, thus improving the wear resistance, pressure resistance, deformation resistance and fading resistance. The door frame structure of the aluminium art gate is made of integral die-casting aluminium, so as to achieve the effect of seamless, sealing and sound insulation. The facade material of Changzhou Aluminum Art Gate is an important factor of ecological and environmental protection of Aluminum Art Gate. Different enterprises adopt different materials, such as high polymer, cast aluminium plate, imported decorative aluminium plate, yellow aluminium plate, etc. If the panel materials used fail to meet the national ecological environmental protection standards or aluminium door standards, the safety and durability of the door will even have indirect or direct health effects on the human body.


I. Look


The quality of aluminium door can be seen from the treatment of paint. Look, we should pay attention to two points, one is to sidelight to see whether the paint surface is smooth, whether there are pits, generally speaking, the good reinforced paint villa copper door in the paint surface treatment is in place. The second is to see whether the joints and grooves of the aluminium art gate are handled meticulously. Good products and inferior products can not be distinguished from the general surface, mainly the details.


2. Touch


Must touch with the back of the hand, the back of the hand is the most sensitive part of the feeling, feel whether the aluminum door paint treatment is full, spraying 7 times and spraying 3 times is completely different feeling. Smooth, round, plump, smooth feel.


3. Knock


Low price aluminum doors can't be solid. Many aluminum doors are made of wood chips (which are better) or even fill some froth, others are open at intervals. Feel the inner workmanship of the aluminium door from the sound of knocking.


IV. Opening


If the method of knocking is not good to distinguish, use the method of opening. When opening the door, you can feel the weight of the aluminium art gate. Some aluminium art doors are light when opening, others feel heavy. And scratch the floor. 

苏州铝艺大门如何加工能出现理想的效果呢?苏州铝艺大门 苏州铝艺大门是我们经常用到的,而且也越来越受到人们的喜欢,那么大家都知道我们在选择苏州铝艺大门的时候或者制作的时候都知道怎么做 才会将制作出理想的苏州铝艺大门呢?今天铝艺大门厂家就为大家说一说。当然从花纹方面还应该注意,苏州铝艺大门能够采取更加美观的图案也非常重要,特别是在铝艺艺产品比较多的情… 铝艺大门的尺寸如何确定?一般规格包括那些?苏州铝艺大门 铝艺大门的尺寸如何确定对装修风格有很大影响,一般确定苏州铝艺门尺寸的方法有两种:一、跟随别墅的建筑面积比例大小确定:一般是从1.2米*2.2---4米*2.5左右都可以。关于别墅大门的尺寸问题也要具体看是多大的别墅,别墅大门太大或者是太小都会影响美观。如果你是预留门洞的话:单开门是950MM;子母门是1150MM;别…
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