

厂家直销 上门安装


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在苏州铝艺大门喷漆时需要哪些操作流程呢?铝艺别墅庭院护栏(围栏)进行施工时有什么要求?现如今,大多数苏州人在安装大门时都会选择苏州铝艺大门,尤其是有些别墅大门也都安装的铝艺大门,其实对于铝… 安装别墅铝艺大门需要注意哪些事事项呢?铝艺别墅庭院护栏(围栏)进行施工时有什么要求?经在很多客户投诉的质量问题分析后发现有比较大一部分是安装别墅铝艺大门时产生的问题,在安装铝艺别墅大门前…


The ultimate goal of the construction of yard guardrail (fence) of aluminium art villa in Changzhou is to prevent serious consequences through the protection of guardrail. No matter what kind of Changzhou Aluminum Art Villa courtyard guardrail (fence) form, its most important performance is safety. Secondly, we should consider the aesthetics of the guardrail and its psychological impact on drivers. By setting the guardrail, road users can increase comfort and security, which can visually and naturally induce the driver's vision, maintain the continuity of highway alignment, and reduce the fear of dangerous sections. In order to achieve the above objectives, the performance requirements of the courtyard guardrail (fence) of the Aluminum Art Villa are as follows:

一、结构适应性要求 车辆不能撞断、下穿或跃过护榉以防止车辆驶出路外或阉入对向车道,护栏能使碰撞车辆平顺地改变方向,防止护栏的部件在碰撞后穿人车内客舱或对其他交通构成危险。这就是护栏的强度要求。

1. Structural adaptability requires that the vehicle should not crash, cross or jump over the beech to prevent the vehicle from driving out of the way or into the opposite lane. The guardrail can smoothly change the direction of the collision vehicle and prevent the parts of the guardrail from penetrating the passenger cabin or posing danger to other traffic after the collision. This is the strength requirement of the guardrail.

二、车内乘员的危险性要求 在碰撞期间和碰撞之后,车辆应保持直立,碰撞时产生的减加速度不使乘员受到伤害,当车辆碰撞护栏时,护栏应产生一定量的弹、塑性变形来吸收碰撞能量,减少车辆损坏,并能延长碰撞过程的作用时间,以确保车内乘员的安全。

2. The danger of passengers in a vehicle requires that the vehicle should be upright during and after the collision. The acceleration reduction caused by the collision does not cause the passengers to be injured. When the vehicle collides with the guardrail, the guardrail should produce a certain amount of elastic and plastic deformation to absorb the collision energy, reduce the damage of the vehicle, and prolong the action time of the collision process, so as to ensure the safety of the passengers in the vehicle.

三、车辆的轨迹要求 车辆碰撞护栏后,车辆以较小的驶离角回到原来的行驶方向,车辆的轨迹和最终停止位置不影响在其他车道行驶的车辆。

3. Vehicle trajectory requires the vehicle to return to the original direction with a small departure angle after colliding with the guardrail. Vehicle trajectory and final stop position do not affect the vehicle traveling in other lanes.


The last point is that it has the effect of line-of-sight guidance for the driving vehicle. Each form of aluminium art villa courtyard guardrail (fence) has its own characteristics and applicable conditions. 

别墅铝艺大门焊接出现气孔怎么办?铝艺护栏,苏州铝艺别墅护栏 别墅铝艺大门是由各个部件组合在一起的,为了使别墅铝艺大门更加牢固就需要进行焊接。但是在焊接过程中会发现,很多地方或出现细小的气孔,这样会影响别墅铝艺大门的装饰效果,那么如何解决呢?产生原因:a、母材或焊丝上有油、锈、污、垢等;b、焊接电弧过长,降低气体保护效果;c、焊接场地空气流动大,不利于气… 在苏州选购庭院别墅铝艺大门需要注意什么?铝艺护栏,苏州铝艺别墅护栏 苏州装修业主在选购庭院别墅铝艺大门需要注意什么?今天我们以用料、加工、外观、价格、性能五个方面来讲解注意事项。一、用料庭院别墅铝艺大门主要用材一般包括三个方面:铝型材、玻璃、五金件,业主在选购产品时,往往比较注重铝型材和玻璃的厚薄,而对五金件的要求却不是很高,这是不全面的。庭院别墅门所用的铝…
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