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在苏州如何选择一款合适的庭院别墅大门?详细解说别墅铝艺大门(别墅庭院大门)的优点有哪些现在的苏州别墅户外大门市场上,消费者越来越年轻,也越来越喜欢追求时尚和个性的商品,在苏州别墅大门领域也… 在苏州如何为别墅庭院大门选择合适的铝艺门详细解说别墅铝艺大门(别墅庭院大门)的优点有哪些随着苏州人们对苏州铝艺庭院门的青睐,越来越多的人从不锈钢门、铁门、铜门转向到了苏州铝艺门,铝艺庭院门凭…


1. Villa Aluminum Art Gate (Villa Courtyard Gate) is not rusty for 100 years. It does not need to spend manpower and material resources to maintain the surface every year. It will not rust in the humid air with high acid, alkali and salt content. For the owner's decoration, choosing new decoration materials can avoid the trouble caused by rework. 2、别墅铝艺大门(别墅庭院大门)坚硬:铝型材的硬度可抵御拉力和较大的冲击力

2. Villa Aluminum Art Gate (Villa Courtyard Gate) Hard: Aluminum profile hardness can withstand tension and greater impact force


3. Corrosion Resistance of Villa Aluminum Art Gate (Villa Courtyard Gate): The surface of Aluminum Art Guardrail is closely attached to a layer of hard aluminium oxide film, which can be further strengthened by surface treatment such as paint or powder. Therefore, it has very strong corrosion resistance, so it can be safely used in air-polluted cities or coastal areas corroded by sea salt to solve the problem of maintenance for you. The worries behind.


4. Villa Aluminum Art Gate (Villa Courtyard Gate) Fine and smooth surface: Aluminum has unique advantages and can be applied to a variety of different surface polishing technology, more common are paint, powder coating, anodic oxidation, electrophoresis. The smoothest powder coating can protect against ultraviolet light. It can keep bright gloss for a long time without frequent maintenance. The powder coating is durable and has a variety of colors to choose from.


5. Villa Aluminum Art Gate (Villa Courtyard Gate) Safety Performance: Aluminum Art Gate is made of high-strength industrial aluminium, which is formed by T15 heat treatment and carefully designed. There are no drills, joints and solder joints on the surface, and the overall strength is very high.


6. Villa Aluminum Art Gate (Villa Courtyard Gate) Overall Appearance: Linear appearance, soft tone, can coordinate the surrounding landscape, can integrate modern urban space and natural environment, let you roam between.


7. Practicality of Villa Aluminum Art Gate (Villa Courtyard Gate): Special process treatment, forming permanent protective film, smooth and smooth, never rust, clean and convenient, without maintenance.

8、舒适性:观赏美景,为你营造 一个舒适、安全的平台

8. Comfort: Enjoy the beautiful scenery and create a comfortable and safe platform for you

别墅铝艺大门焊接出现气孔怎么办?苏州铝艺大门 别墅铝艺大门是由各个部件组合在一起的,为了使别墅铝艺大门更加牢固就需要进行焊接。但是在焊接过程中会发现,很多地方或出现细小的气孔,这样会影响别墅铝艺大门的装饰效果,那么如何解决呢?产生原因:a、母材或焊丝上有油、锈、污、垢等;b、焊接电弧过长,降低气体保护效果;c、焊接场地空气流动大,不利于气… 在苏州选购庭院别墅铝艺大门需要注意什么?苏州铝艺大门 苏州装修业主在选购庭院别墅铝艺大门需要注意什么?今天我们以用料、加工、外观、价格、性能五个方面来讲解注意事项。一、用料庭院别墅铝艺大门主要用材一般包括三个方面:铝型材、玻璃、五金件,业主在选购产品时,往往比较注重铝型材和玻璃的厚薄,而对五金件的要求却不是很高,这是不全面的。庭院别墅门所用的铝…
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